Religion helps facilitate our insensitivity towards human suffering and live selfishly without guilt by blaming it on God.
The corrupt are stupid: they simply raise the circulation of currency and increase the transaction cost.
If all that passes for love were indeed love, there would not be so much hatred amidst us.
Bribe – in one form or another – is a social necessity. The truly incorruptible and the non-corrupting shall live on the Himalayas.?
Degenerative democracy is a system in which stars of excellence of a society are subjugated to, and governed by its scrum. Isn’t it time to ask whether we are heading that way?
Does science offer answers to all our questions? For the arrogant scientist, yes.
Every sacrifice is basically intelligent selfishness.
Pack sacrifice, courage, detachment, commitment to truth, altruism, contentment, stubbornness in one person and celebrate Gandhi Jayanti.
When a completely disabled Stephen Hawking questions the concept of god one cannot fail to admire his belief in atheism!
Success: The fruitful confluence of favourable circumstances.