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Most people package their weakness as virtues; given due chance they would fall for the first sin.

Love devoid of sacrifice is liking.

Can science explain the soul, the death? That is why we need religion.” Thus proceeds much of religious preaching, deceitfully camouflaging that it doesn’t explain them either. Your non-answer is my answer!

Suffering at human scale is just another process in nature’s scale.

Human suffering doesn’t count for nature. Do we count the ants we trample upon?

One who has nothing to hide, usually has nothing to reveal.

Corruption appears the only religion practiced by the believer and the atheists alike!

Does science offer answers to all our questions? For the arrogant scientist, yes.

Street Corner ‘Computer Education’: Relegating potentially good plumbers into positively bad programmers.

Success: The fruitful confluence of favourable circumstances.

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