We make it possible for you to serve the society.
And also pay for this!
Why work with us
Something that ails our society the most is irrationality. Promoting rationality in every sphere of life – private public, polity – is what we invite you to join us in.
In a nutshell, SPRAT works to promote scientific temper, spirit of inquiry and inter-faith harmony. And to foster the empowerment of underprivileged sections of the society, such as minorities, women, Dalits etc through scientific and constitutional instruments.
We are techno-savvy and work on the Office365 cloud, thanks to the patronage of Microsoft, Google, AutoDESK and others.
Do check out our TARKIK SADAN residential cum office campus, eliminating your boarding, lodging, transport, internet, laundry, healthy recreation and above all security worries, and yet offering exciting careers in a range of disciplines. For the workaholic, in return for additional work in evenings, these subsidized facilities can come for free.
SPRAT – a national award winning NGO registered in 2002 – was led by distinguished citizens, and run in transparent, professional and democratic manner. It is compassionate, clean and financially sound and stable.
Check its governors, funders, and supporters. Thanks to their help SPRAT could help over 150 thousand youth and women. Check its impact.
And for the satisfaction of directly serving the society
– and not enriching some rich capitalist.
H R Policy
Our HR policy is egalitarian and contemporary, democratic and productivity-centred. We make work fun and quintessentially empowering. We have zero tolerance for dishonesty, financial impropriety, non-productivity, nepotism, corruption, gender, religion or caste bias, superstition and communalism. We respect you as partners in shared causes. All you need to know relating to your career with SPRAT is explained under suitable headings below. However, if you are a civil engineer or a bright fresher in management – and in a hurry – here is a summary of relevant positions for you.
We have given a range for the Compensation. We offer guaranteed monthly increments as well as ad-hoc pay jumps and promotions based on transparent and participative performance assessment. But remember that most people come to us for the enormous learning they receive here.
Please estimate your compensation in the given range at the level of your experience and education against the provided range: the lower the experience the lower in the range you are fixed. Also the extent of your education may influence your fixation in this range.
For exceptional candidates that possess extra talents / skills – or lack in some – we may readjust the portfolio suitably. Take your chance. And we can also guarantee long term growth, status and promotions commensurate with guaranteed performance and stability. For very senior positions SPRAT is open to signing a MOU linking a part of their compensation with the resources they may mobilize.
In special cases employees willing to contribute productivity of 2.5 hours in the evening, an extra allowance can be considered.
We can offer subsidized boarding, lodging and transport to maximize your real income, and minimize your insecurity.
Interestingly we encourage couples to join together – plausibly in separate functions and grades. To them we may provide exclusive functional accommodation.
Typically, we work from 10:00 to 6:30, Mon-Sat. Late sitting and holiday working are not encouraged.
Additionally, you enjoy weekly offs, regular leaves, holidays, leave encashment, accident insurance, small loans etc. Of course, all costs incurred in the line of duty are reimbursed in full.
In exceptional cases – and where the work is quantifiable and stand-alone – we may allow work from home – specially if you are handling two jobs, are handicapped or pregnant.
Although SPRAT usually offers lifetime employment, it expects at least 1-3 years’ lock-in commitment depending on contract terms, to be secured with a security deposit of money or valuable and acceptable documents, or any other security.
Where experience is mentioned but you have none, consider applying for our Job-linked Internships under INTERNSHIP menu.
But our star performers regard the unique learning they receive here as of the greatest value: Weekly Knowledge Meetings, Monthly Workshops, power use of computers and Office365, periodic fun-filled study tours. No wonder students from around India and abroad also intern with us.

Our Projects
Check SPRAT’s Programmes and Projects. Take note that it is poised to launch several major new initiatives under the aegis of the TARKIK SADAN / CARAVAN ACADEMY at Matar, some 30 KMs from Ahmedabad. Do check on the wide-ranging services it is going to launch. Do not hesitate to query.
Mostly you are positioned at Head Office at Paldi, Ahmedabad, at Tarkik Sadan at Matar or at Muskaan at Juhapura, Ahmedabad. Travelling is minimal and funded.

Recruitment process
Typically this is how it works:
- You will make doubly sure that SPRAT is where you really wanted to be, and that its world-view matches yours own.
- You study and confirm your eligibility: you may be eligible for more than one position, or for a senior or junior grade. You may also indicate a primary and a secondary preference when you fill in our official web form accessed through a link given below.
- You ascertain if our compensation and perks suit you. You can expect some negotiation if you offer extra time, or assume additional responsibilities from home.
- You fill in the Application Form. Remember, this is half your test! Which is why we mail a copy of your filled form: it will come handy for your own future use.
- We may arrange for your Quiz – a MCQ test – under our Recruitment Management System [RMS], either at SPRAT or perhaps from your home, online.
- We suppose you will do well. Then expect a call for an interview in two days of filling the application form.
- Of course, you have a right of appeal for renegotiation and reassessment on fair grounds.
Eligibility and Indicative Compensation
A Bird’s Eye-view
Given below is an additional view of the kind of responsibililties applicable to some positions merely by way of example. If you do not fit into our straight jacket requirements, but still believe you would be a useful asset to SPRAT, you are welcome to apply. Please explain your case in the note provided at the end of the application or through covering email.
Education: Any brilliant Diploma / Degree
Experience: Not necessary
Compensation: 36,000 – 72,000 P.A.
Remarks: To audio/voice-record books and magazines for the Blind people. Part-time, mostly 1 paisa per word.
Should read and speak excellent English or Hindi or Gujarati lucidly and in clear diction.
[Those that are experts in speech to text and voice recognition technologies, and have a bright Master’s degree, may contact SPRAT’s HR Chief for a Managerial position]
Education: About SSC knowledge
Experience: Minimum 6 month’s experience in an office
Compensation Range: 84,000 – 1,50,000 P.A.
Remarks: Comes from modest background, has a cycle or 2-wheeler, lives not very far from Paldi, is a multi-tasker, good at shopping and/or handling minor everyday repairs and maintenance . For car-drivers extra preference is given
Education: Any Graduate
Experience: At least 6 month’s experience in a professional setup
Compensation Range: 84,000 – 1,50,000 P.A.
Remarks: Preference to pleasant ladies with fluent and correct English. For those with extra education and Secretarial experience extra compensation is possible.
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 0-1
Compensation Range: 84,000 – 1,40,000 P.A.
Remarks: Bright, enthusiastic and dedicated Graduates with good academics and high aptitude, to work and be trained as Graduate Trainees in various fields such as:
Human Resources, Accounts and Finance, Social Media Marketing and Promotion, Content writing, Video editing, Content writing, Graphic Designing, Research and Documentation, Civil Engineering, WordPress, SharePoint, Science Promotion, Event Management, Architecture etc.
Depending upon the grades in our scrutiny s/he may be started anywhere in the compensation range offered. Compensation may be raised for excellent GK and English. Tough screening in the field applied for shall be held. Exceptional performers may be regularized as officers after six months.
Education: B.Com / BCA / M.Com / MBA etc
Experience: 1-3 as accountant in a professional set-up
Compensation Range: 1,25,000 – 2,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: Smart and organized with mastery over Tally or Busy. Should attend to all manual and digital book-keeping work and safe-keeping of securities. Must possess good knowledge of Excel. Be thorough with systems and methods, punctual and diligent. Role also includes basic administration, housekeeping, cash and bank, record-keeping etc.
Education: Diploma / Degree in Hardware
Experience: 1-3
Compensation Range: 1,12,000 – 1,70,000 P.A.
Remarks: Assembling/dissembling, LAN experience
Education: Diploma/Degree in DTP / Graphics / Animation
Experience: 1-3
Compensation Range: 1,25,000 – 1,70,000 P.A.
Remarks: Publisher/AI/CorelDraw + English+Gujarati/Hindi Typing
Should have a sense of proportions, colour, shapes, and be able to create / customize visual art to generate posters. Additionally / Alternatively s/he should be good at animation such as White Board, or at Video making and editing.
Education: SSC+
Experience: 2-3
Compensation Range: 1,25,000 – 1,70,000 P.A.
Remarks: Jack of all trades type, keen to learn; should handle minor everyday repairs and maintenance. Car drivers may have to stay at Ahmedabad or Matar at times at our cost. Site supervisor should have similar construction facilitation experience and must stay at site 24×7 with or without family.
Education: Graduates in Software
Experience: 1-3
Compensation Range: 1,40,000 – 2,10,000 P.A.
Remarks: Good English, very organized, techno-savvy
Education: Graduates in Software, Excellent PHP
Experience: 1-3
Compensation Range: 1,40,000 – 2,10,000 P.A.
Remarks: Good English, very organized, techno-savvy
Education: B.Arch or equivalent
Experience: 1-3 years of relevant experience including supervision
Compensation Range: 2,00,000 – 3,50,000 P.A. depending upon length and quality of experience
Remarks: Sound knowledge of Architecture and Construction Engineering; Proficient at AutoCAD and SketchUp; must have left-secular and scientific temper; be adept at Multi-tasking, excellent team leader and work-taker; Must supervise work at the site at Matar weekly; should have the potential to become a successful manager very soon. Subsidized boarding and lodging may be provided in SPRAT’s mini-hostel.
Education: Diploma /Degree in Civil Engg /Arch
Experience: 1-5 years of relevant experience
Compensation Range: 1,40,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: Should live at the site 24×7. Must bring a 2-wheeler. Boarding, bachelor-lodging, petrol, mobile/internet top-up are provided. Should be sound in residential/commercial construction technology, be a multi-tasker and work-taker. Is empathetic and has secular-left and scientific temper. Potentially site-manager.
For those willing to explore other knowledge fields and with brilliance in English, GK or computing Desk Jobs are available in many fields at Ahmedabad and at Matar. Subsidized boarding and lodging may also be provided in SPRAT’s mini-hostel. In exchange for extended working extra compensation is also possible.
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 1-3 year’s experience in skilled recruitment / administration
Compensation Range: 1,40,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
* Sourcing, screening, evaluating and selecting candidates as per recruitment policies * Quick learner that also has Multi-tasking experience * Skilled in head hunting using social media * Great communicator, specially in English, with ability to take preliminary Interviews and facilitate induction, training & development * Additionally in free time attending to admin and house-keeping or Content writing or Promotions.
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 1-3
Compensation Range: 1,40,000 – 2,25,000 P.A.
Remarks: Including CSR fund raising. Vehicle necessary
Education: Diploma / Degree in communication, digital or social media, animation or videography
Experience: 1-5 years of relevant experience
Compensation Range: 2,00,000 – 3,50,000 P.A.
VIDEO MAKING/EDITING: To regularly make topical videos – mostly SPRAT’s President’s talks – specially in the evenings. Should be adept at video making, editing and promotion. Must speak good English and Hindi, be a smart surfer / researcher, organized and rapid learner.
WHITE/GLASS BOARD ANIMATION: Adept at Animation using White Board animation and other identical technologies. Should be adept at designing, developing, editing and promoting short animation films. Must speak and write good English and Hindi, be a smart surfer / researcher, organized and rapid learner.
Boarding and lodging support may be provided to both positions.
Education: Any PG
Experience: 1-5
Compensation Range: 1,50,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: Precision, impeccable English content for web, print
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 1-5
Compensation Range: 1,50,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: Practical experience of working with the downtrodden, disadvantaged
Education: Degree in HW/SW, Exp of Server Admin or Cloud computing
Experience: 3-8
Compensation Range: 1,50,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: WAN, Cloud and Knowledge management & documentation
Education: M.Com /MBA[Fin] / Inter-CA or ICWA or matching
Experience: 1-5
Compensation Range: 1,70,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: Fund raising exp. Extra for CA, ICWA
Education: Any Graduation / PG, Pref with MS Certification
Experience: 1-3 years of experience of power use of MS Office
Compensation Range: 2,00,000 – 2,80,000 P.A.
Remarks: To offer online support in everyday computing. Must possess exceptional proficiency in Windows, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, popular browsers and mailers. Must speak good English and Hindi. Be cool-tempered and tactful.
Must pass through tough live test. [Also check Microsoft Support Team Leader]
Education: Graduates, PGs, PhDs in Various Disciplines
Experience: 2-5 years of relevant experience. Expertise of the field necessary
Compensation Range: Depending upon education, type and extent of productivity and length of commitment. Pro-bono offers are also welcome.
Remarks: SPRAT [https://sprat.in/introduction] needs talent in multiple fields.
Some of this work that can be done remotely and be quantified can be categorized as fit for Work From Home [WFH]. Examples: Content writing/editing, Graphics, Stand-alone WordPress coding, Higher grade head hunting, Phone-based Promotions, Social media management/promotion, Audio/voice recording, Project report writing, SketchUp/Revit/Lumion modelling and rendering, White Board animation, Secondary research etc. Remember, though, that you must be very good at your work or else there can be high rate of rejection. And since payments would be related to acceptable output this may hurt.
There may also be jobs that must be done at SPRAT’s offices but can be apportioned for a part of the day or in morning or evenings outside work-day, specially for those residing at SPRAT’s hostel, or close-by. These may require interaction or team support or infrastructure. These may be categorized as Part Time Work [PTW]. Examples: Video making/editing, Accounting and Fund-raising, Hardware and technology maintenance and upgradation, Landscaping and Vertical Farming, Science super-structures, Incubation and innovation centre management, WordPress application/web development, Content, Graphics and White Board animation, HR, Audio/voice recording, Text to Speech conversion, SharePoint development, Editing and daily E-Zine development etc.
You come up with ideas of work that we need and a method to pay for it fairly and easily, and we may create a portfolio. But remember that this is only for those that have a proven track record in the respective fields and are associating with us either to supplement their income or to satisfy their social service urge.
Education: Graduates in Software, Excellent PHP, WP, MySQL
Experience: 2-5 years of relevant experience
Compensation Range: 2,50,000 – 4,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: System analysis, design, team lead, debugging exp. Should have developed several websites using WP with MySQL and plug-ins and knows good English and graphics. Must have led a small team of developers in a professional set-up.
Education: Graduates in Software
Experience: 1-5 years of experience in SharePoint
Compensation Range: 2,50,000 – 4,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: Managing site layouts and structures * Planning, documenting, on-boarding offline data to SharePoint Online / Office365 * Designing and Creating various types of sites, folders, lists, libraries, users and groups with appropriate security and permission structures * Developing / Customizing Web Parts, forms, lists, libraries, workflows, templates etc. * Developing Business Intelligence dashboards and implementing Exchange folders, sharing and access protocols * Customizing SharePoint solutions such as re-branding, using products such as SharePoint Designer * And perhaps Writing ASP.Net code as required * Microsoft certification desirable
Education: M.Com / MBA[Fin] / CA / ICWA or matching
Experience: 2-5 years in the relevant disciplines.
Compensation Range: 3,00,000 – 5,00,000 P.A.
Masters with inter-CA/CS/ICWA and Bankers of 1st class commercial banks, aged less than 50, exiting with an early VRS may also apply.
Overseeing digital & manual accounting, reconciliations, statutory returns on Trust, ITax, FCRA, GST and ROC, generating MIS/DSS; handling security instruments, identifying funding avenues, preparing fund raising reports, liaison with donors and auditors, crowd fund sourcing, Board and Committee Minutes, Annual Report preparation etc. Helping develop an ERP.
S/He would be expert with Balance Sheet analysis, write excellent English, be proficient with Excel, and know the relevant statutes and orders, be thoroughly organized and meticulous – potentially to rise to the second tier in the team.
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 3-8
Compensation Range: 2,50,000 – 4,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: Hands on professionally managed NGO experience
Education: Graduates in Software + Specialization in System design/analysis
Experience: 3-8
Compensation Range: 2,50,000 – 4,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: Exp of System analysis, Software design, team lead and knowledge managers
Education: Excellent graduation with computer expertise certification
Experience: Minimum 3 years in supporting or teaching MS Office
Compensation Range: 2,50,000 – 4,00,000 P.A.
TEAM LEADERS: To lead an online support team for everyday computing. Must possess exceptional expertise in Windows, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, popular browsers, mailers and specially Outlook. Must be familiar with basic hardware and programming logic. Must speak good English and Hindi. Be cool-tempered, tactful and an effective leader.
MANAGER: Should possess all of the above plus entrepreneurial instinct and keen business sense, besides long term commitment to brand promotion and building
Both must pass through tough live test. Incentive related to customer satisfaction and growth may be added.
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 5-10
Compensation Range: 2,80,000 – 4,20,000 P.A.
Remarks: Managerial experience in techno-professional environment
Education: Any Graduate / PG
Experience: 5-10
Compensation Range: 3,00,000 – 5,00,000 P.A.
Remarks: CEO experience in techno-professional environs
Remember, we need you as much as you need us.
Therefore, if you have the talent – and enormous self-respect never to aspire for free lunch – then regardless of the terms advertised, please take a chance to speak with our HR Head