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As you reflect on everyday’s unfairnesses, you wonder if God exists, and if he does, is he just and compassionate.

Doing ‘nothing’ is so damn difficult; we keep doing silly things instead!

It has now become boring to blame terrorism for all the ills of bad governance globally. Time to identify the real culprits and tackle them in earnest.

A society where successes – in politics, business, religion – come with fundamental compromises is a decayed society. Its “successfuls” are the scum of the earth.

If the soothsayers of the yore were prophets because they prophesied correctly, then what are today’s astronomers and other scientists?

Shame: The burden of the sensitive.

Prohibition is good. For others.

Those that cannot enjoy do not live.

Man with character contemplates more, speaks less.

Experts are men who make simple things complicated. Masters do the reverse.

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