Street Corner ‘Computer Education’: Relegating potentially good plumbers into positively bad programmers.
If you are not alone, at least for some time everyday, you are not your self.
One who has yet to fail has yet to take a worthy challenge.
Love devoid of sacrifice is liking.
Scarcely a day passes when something doesn’t pinch me with this realization: What a goddamn idiot I must have been to make this mistake so far, or to not have known this, or that, until now. My, my, we don’t ever cease to learn.
Shame: The burden of the sensitive.
Unifiers like Lincoln, Gandhi, Mandela unite people and leave a more harmonious world behind than the one they inherited. Polarizers, like Hitler, are apt to leave fractured humanity as their devisive legacy.
If the soothsayers of the yore were prophets because they prophesied correctly, then what are today’s astronomers and other scientists?
Truthfulness is the highest morality.
Those that do not marvel at watching a leaf, a bird, a child, or the PC probably are not intelligent enough.