Atul Bhide

A small village Sogav located 80 km from Mumbai witnessed a daily scenario of people defecating in public due to unavailability of toilets in their houses. Atul Bhide is one such person who tried to improve the unhygienic condition of Sogav village. Inspired by his father, who is also helping the community at large by working with over 1,000 women Self Help Groups, Bhide thought of leaving a similar impact on the lives of thousands of people in the villages, under his leadership as the club president in the Rotary year 2013-14. When he visited the villages, he was shocked to see the situation of the rural sector. After a detailed survey, it was noticed that there were over 10,000 houses in just two taluks, Shahapur and Murbad in Thane District, which didn’t have a closed toilet. He, along with his friends from Rotary Club of Thane Hills talked to the people and informed them about the sanitation practices and presented the idea of constructing toilets for them.