A Man Who Was Left Bereft of All His Limbs and Still Is Able to Do Everything!

His name is Raja Mahendra Pratap. “I would stay in my room. My father felt embarrassed to call me in front of guests. He considered me a burden and good for nothing”. A childish mistake, a “dare” at the age of 5, took away all his limbs. For 10 years after that, Pratap was not allowed to step out of his house. But today, he not only goes to work every day but earns well, lives on his own and is completely self-reliant. Once a grateful recipient of a scholarship that helped him complete his studies in Finance and MBA, he is now a giver of scholarships and also participates in policymaking.
Source: The Better India: https://www.thebetterindia.com/9497/give-task-capable/
Tags: Bereft Inspiring Spirit