This day 13 years ago, following the mysterious massacre of 57 Hindus in Sabarmati Train the previous day, ostensibly by… more
This day 13 years ago, following the mysterious massacre of 57 Hindus in Sabarmati Train the previous day, ostensibly by… more
Playing the devil’s advocate – after clarifying that I do not share the author’s disrespect for the ‘sanaf-e-nazuk’ [the female… more
For a long time SPRATians believed that it is the Muslim women that were the more harassed variety. Urban, educated… more
To the women in my life – yesterday, today and for sure, tomorrow – here is my Salaam: Thank you… more
“India ranked the most unsafe nation for women” – “India had fared badly in an earlier iteration of this exercise… more
Reality: No – you should! After the vaccine, a mom’s body makes antibiotics to the virus and passes them to the… more
Reality: A common fertility myth is that a woman can’t get pregnant when she’s on her period. While the odds… more
Reality: There’s actually growing evidence that being pregnant makes women more organized and smarter, at least, according to a study on rats. It… more
Reality: Blondes and redheads are not “going extinct.” Genes rarely die out, and recessive genes, like those that lead to… more