Miscellanea [01 April. 2017 – 30 June. 2017]
1 April 17 Majority, minority, Muslim, Hindu, Indian, Chinese, white, brown, black… What about #Human? Inhuman, wasn’t that? 1 April… more
1 April 17 Majority, minority, Muslim, Hindu, Indian, Chinese, white, brown, black… What about #Human? Inhuman, wasn’t that? 1 April… more
TIPS FOR THE YOUNG HERE ARE SOME GUIDE-POSTS – In the long run life is generally fair to those that… more
5 Feb 18 While we stand with the successful #women who now allege #sexual excesses by the powerful, during their… more
6 May 18 I wait for the day when we will be civilized enough to fight an election in a… more
1 Oct 18 We create #religions, nations, castes… and then kill each other for their sake. Which other specie harms… more
6 Jan 19 Harvard alone accounts for 18 times more top scientists that the whole of India More devastatingly, until… more