Sarojini Agarwal,Uttar Pradesh

What happened 30 years ago, gave birth to Manisha Mandir, a home for abandoned and orphaned girl child, started by Sarojini Agarwal. After Sarojini’s own daughter was killed in an accident, she started giving shelter to all the girls in need. Manisha Mandir caters to all the basic needs like education, vocational training, entertainment, etc. for girls up to the age of 17-18 after which they are encouraged to look for jobs. Since at times it becomes difficult to sustain them due to financial reasons, Manisha Mandir has a hall that they give out on rent for functions. She has received numerous awards for her work and currently, she is a mother to almost 800 abandoned girl children. A cradle of life, as she calls it, is placed outside her house where people could keep their children instead of throwing or abandoning them into the streets.