An interactive video-based presentation on the story of life: from the Big Bang to the modern times, demystifying dozens of profound life puzzles.
This workshop will provide answers to questions that always intrigued you but you were embarrassed to ask. More, it will weave in a beautiful and convincing totality the myriad pieces of information you had but did not connect. It will also lead you to make informed judgments about birth, death, religions, isms…politics and economics – and their interplay.
Both parts are based on internationally acclaimed films. The languages for interaction will be English and Hindi.
You are welcome if life intrigues you, if nature deeply inspires you – and you are passionately keen to learn the scientific perspective about life – in a highly entertaining way.
How small can small be?
– What is like a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a…millimeter?
How large can large be?
– What is like something ten times of ten times of ten times of ten times of a…Meter?
How do these measures relate to our everyday life – such as a needle, you, the giraffe, your house, Eiffel Tower..? - Scientific advances, future earth
- The Big Bang, origin of universe, birth of galaxies, stars and planets
- Evolution of life on earth, arrival of humans..
- Tectonic movements and earth cycles,
- Stone Age, language, Iron Age
- Civilizations, empires, religions
- Industrial era, technology, modern life
- Scientific advances, future earth
Age: Above 15 yrs. Ideal for graduate students and professionals
SEATS: Since we have limited seats please register immediately, and seek confirmation, subject to availability of seats. Snacks and Lunch will be served. Venue [within Ahmedabad city] will be announced shortly
Please contact: Waseem : 079-26623655 /66 /77
You can also write to us at info@sprat.in