Even after learning and hearing about ‘Cosmos’ all our life, do we understand the complexity and simplicity of it all? With various mysteries surrounding the origin of our universe and everyone desperate to seek this answer, the narratives and hypothesis’ become our only source to unravel its mysteries for now. It’s in these narratives that a lot of beliefs, pseudo-sciences, alternative theories, etc. breathe freely without any scientific acumen and scrutiny. Hence, it’s impending on us to understand all the arguments, narratives and hypothesis behind these ideas to dispel the myths and let science exist freely. Come, join us on this Journey.

Confirmed via numerous scientific studies and various types of evidences over a period of century, the theory of evolution continues to be assaulted till this day. This is a sign of a self-degrading society where popular beliefs hold higher merit than scientific rationale. In an attempt to market the explanation of evolution, the ideas stemming from its complexity have been sacrificed for the narrative of simplicity. To truly realize the odds of human existence, the emphasis to comprehend ‘The Theory of Evolution’ with all its complexity through its gaps and strands couldn’t be greater.

The most basic, and perhaps quintessential, gift astronomy and microscopy gives us is knowledge about our true place in the never-ending expansiveness of universe. This gift of perspective has any number of benefits — awe at the vastness of creation, humility and hope for human action, awareness of the insignificant and precious nature of the Earth amid the cosmic void, and we would even add comfort at the size of it all, which suggests we shall never run out of mysteries to explore. Let’s explore them together!

Very little of what we see in the cosmos today was around when the universe was formed around 13.8 billion years ago. The story of earth started as recently as 4.5 billion years ago. The earliest evidence of life on earth is around 3.5 billion years ago. The age of human life on earth is only around 200,000 years old. The stories involved behind the creation of earth, and the various factors and elements to support it in its present state, leave us spell-bound and baffled at the sheer scale probabilities. ‘The pale blue dot’ wishes to convey its significance and insignificance for a moment. Let’s hear it out!

Physics was ‘the answer’ to answering mysteries of our world as all objects obeyed the laws of physics in our entire universe. That was ‘Classical Physics’. ‘Quantum Physics’ seems to have thrown ‘Classical Physics’ into complete disarray. No laws governing the nature and our understanding of universe are able to bind it. These sub-atomic elements have created a chaos in the scientific world and everyone is trying their best to grasp and catch up with it. These truly is the realm where science-fiction and science have a possibility of meeting and growing together. Step into this weird, non-conforming world to understand our future!

Before a human community develops to the level of sophistication commonly referred to as civilization, first many different elements must come together. The first modern humans (aka ‘Homo Sapiens’), evolved from their early hominid predecessors between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. Their language capacity was developed about 50,000 years ago. ‘Homo Sapiens’ began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago. Prehistory is recorded through surviving objects found as archeological evidence but history is recorded based on documents. Therefore, through their interconnected nature, History, civilization and writing all begin at the same time around 5000-5300 years ago in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Thus began the story of human societies and conquests. Let’s take a sneak peek into their progression over the years.

Group viewings for every 2 hours a day for 72 days followed by discussions and analysis of science and technology and everything else that is relevant to it. We aim to create a society where Science gets its deserved reward and merit for progression of mankind. Hence, this initiative focuses on creating a community of people who appreciate and value the importance and Philosophy of Science and Scientific approach respectively.

Space is defined by Encyclopaedia Britannica as the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction. Cosmological questions are answered by the Theory of Relativity according to which space was created in the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. The overall shape of space is not known, but space is known to be expanding very rapidly due to the cosmic inflation. The potential incomprehensibility of this ever-expanding vastness leaves a series of Goosebumps in its trail of imagination. Space, as we know it, is limitless and hence calls us to explore it in our minds. TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth’s atmosphere (such as the cosmic background radiation). It is split into Theoretical and Observational Astronomy branches. Its recorded history can be traced back to prehistoric times where it combined with various other disciplines and practices of myths, religions, philosophy, astrology, calendars, etc. It is one of the oldest natural sciences and has a long, well-recorded, dynamic, complex and complicated history. This presentation will be a small window into its history, importance and practices.

An impacting, interactive presentation – with internationally acclaimed videos – covering OUR HISTORY from the Big Bang to modern times.
Answers questions that always intrigued you, weaving beautifully the disjointed knowledge you collected thus far. Demystifies birth, death, religions, isms, politics, economics… and their interplay.
Comprehending how our cosmos work and how our everyday lives derive from the universal principles of science at every step, the workshop weaves existing, scattered knowledge into a holistic understanding of universe’s life.The Workshop helps improve personal and professional decision making and revolutionizes one’s approach towards the world.