Majlis – Letter to Press

05 October 2003
Dear Sir,
A Seminar on Empowerment of Gujarati Muslims – Issues & Resolution
India cannot claim its rightful place in the comity of advanced nations until the various sections of its population feel emotionally integrated into a cohesive society. Muslims have been increasingly marginalized over the last few decades and particularly after the 2002 rioting, resulting into further impoverishment of the community. Empowering Muslims as an Indian community, therefore, is both national service and social obligation.
This was the theme of the seminar entitled MAJLIS organized by the Ahmedabad based voluntary organization SPRAT [Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking] at Mehdi Nawaz Jung Hall Sunday morning.
Empowerment was divided into Health, Education, Economy and Society. The sub-topics included community initiatives in education, credit, cooperation, self-help and health. The seminar also discussed how to correct the perception about Muslims, build intercommunity bridges, enhance patriotism and claim its rightful share from the state and society.
Everybody agreed that while community institutions were required what was to be avoided was communalism. Also, the need to separate secular, temporal pursuits from religious pursuits was emphasised. For balanced development an integrated approach was required using education as its bedrock. A degree of professionalism and rationality was necessary in decision making, felt most speakers.
Dr. Sebastian Morris of IIMA cited the China experience of the economic imperative serving as the uniting factor. Ms Mirai Chatterjee recalled how in SEWA economic interdependence between the poor of different communities served to challenge communal prejudice. Prof Badukwala quoted Islamic injunctions favouring family planning, and enhancing patriotism. Mr Hasan Jowher urged the community to redefine its priorities and pursue them with men of goodwill of all communities. Dr Anil Gupta of IIMA mentioned how latest low cost technologies can provide alternative sources of livelihood with little investment. Muslim women lagged behind in higher education noted Prof Jeemol Unni while Prof Pirzada insisted that Muslims must encourage secular participation even in minority institutions.
The participants came from various cities of Gujarat like Nadia, Mehsana, Dholka, Wankaner, Radhanpur, Baroda, Junagadh, Rajkot etc. SPRAT also announced opening the 5th CARAVAN empowerment centre at Nadiad.
Yours sincerely,
[Sudha Pandey]