A juvenile can rape, but he can’t be punished. At the most he can be sent to a remand and be out in six months.
What a mockery of justice? But such is the complexity of law. There are many other implications of the age of maturity. Therefore, law acts cautiously. But can it be differentiated?
Imagine when a juvenile can rape, he clearly has a body that can perform this act. So, why can’t this body be punished the same way? Clearly it has grown enough to stand punishment.
I seek the counsel of men with legal acumen to comment whether it is possible to exclude the juvenile rapists from the concession available to minors in general? I would any day remove the concession available to anybody, adult, adolescent or child; and to men under intoxication or in their senses. Rape must be viewed from the point of view of the rape-victim, not primarily from the point of view of the rapist.
What would you say?