Testimonials letters

Over the past 16 years SPRAT has been privileged to receive several testimonials, notably from:
- Its beneficiaries, notably from
- TALEEM basic literacy program
- CARAVAN multipurpose empowerment centres for formal education, non-formal exposure, science corner, video theatre, library, social linkages and networking
- JoyRide beneficiaries for their memorable car rides
- MUSKAAN Park beneficiaries for the sustained pleasure they received
- Readers of books, posters, pamphlets and social media published by it
- Its donors, benefactors and funders
- Leaders and opinion makers
- Sister organizations and fellow social activists
- Its past employees, Interns and Volunteers
- Popular press in respect of events it covered
Some of these testimonials may be available on the appropriate pages.
Published here is a recent letter received from the Blind People’s Association. SPRAT had the pleasure of rendering over 180 books for the visually challenged persons into audio. Typically, SPRAT engaged college students residing at local hostels, who earned a pocket money in return for recording these books.
{Upload BPA Letter}