KFC – Colonel Sanders INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS colonel Sanders, KFC Colonel Sanders got fired from dozen jobs; was a lawyer who once assaulted his own client in court; started a… more 15, June, 19 0 638
4 – Day Long Surgery INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS 4-Day Long, Surgery The longest surgery to date performed in 1951. It was a 96-hour marathon to remove a 300-lb ovarian cyst from… more 15, June, 19 0 648
Duck Hunt Game INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Fact, Game Duck Hunt works by flashing the screen black when you shoot, except where there are ducks and a photodiode in… more 15, June, 19 0 974
Water on Earth INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Water on Earth The overall amount of water on our planet has remained the same for two billion years, 80% of the earth’s… more 15, June, 19 0 631
Human Body with Water INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Human Fact Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed… more 15, June, 19 0 854
Supernova Explosion Energy INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Space, Supernova A Supernova explosion produces more energy in its first ten seconds than the Sun during the whole of its 10-billion-year lifetime and… more 15, June, 19 0 959
Cotton Candy Machine INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Cotton candy, William Morrison Machine-spun cotton candy was invented in 1897 by dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton, and first introduced to a wide… more 15, June, 19 0 758
The Town Centralia, PA has been on fire since 1962. INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Town Centralia, US Coal seam fires are nothing new, but Centralia’s is the United States’ worst and one of history’s most devastating. Before the… more 15, June, 19 0 806
Neptune’s Moon Triton INSPIRATION & LEARNING, STARTLING FACTS Moon, Neptune Neptune’s tidal forces are causing Triton to move slowly closer to the planet. In around 250 million years it will… more 15, June, 19 0 820