MURDERING #MUSLIMS MERCILESSLY VIA #FAKE ENCOUNTERS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Encounters, Murder?, Muslims It is good business: ‘rapid-fire’ career path for the police, assured seat for the political contestant, sure votes for the… more 11, July, 19 0 1366
CONGRATULATIONS PRIME MINISTER DEMONETIZATION OF RS. 500 & RS. 1000 NOTES INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Demonetization, Prime Minister This may be a rare occasion when I am complimenting Modi whole-heartedly My spontaneous reaction to the news of derecognizing… more 11, July, 19 0 588
COLOSSAL MISHANDLING OF DEMONETIZATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Demonetization I have penned praise for this initiative of the Modi Govt to delegalize the Rs. 500 and Rs 1000 currency… more 11, July, 19 0 608
AVOIDABLE WOES OF DEMONETIZATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Demonetization What was the problem if the people WHO DID NOT HAVE ANY 500, OR 1000 RUPEE NOTES were allowed to… more 11, July, 19 0 648
ARM-CHAIR #PATRIOTISM INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Patriotism [It has become dangerous to question the establishment line, faithfully echoed by the populist media. You are immediately branded “Anti-national”.… more 11, July, 19 0 654
#GARBHA UNWELCOME INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Garbha In the better times, I used to witness Garbha any one night, during the Navratri festival of Gujarat, often along… more 11, July, 19 0 665
#PAKISTAN – A FRIEND OR FOE OF INDIAN #MUSLIMS? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Indian, Muslims, Pakistan, Taliban Elsewhere on this thread I urged Muslims to see Pak for what it has become: a major source of their… more 11, July, 19 0 1081
OF DAUGHTER ARADHANA’s PREMATURE DEATH INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Aradhana, Children, Death Aradhana, my daughter, in the very first of her teens, died of starvation, euphemistically called fasting, for her parent’s greed,… more 11, July, 19 0 888
VALUE YOUR #MUSLIMS – THEY DESERVE BETTER…TREAT A MUSLIM TO A TREAT INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Muslims, Value Yes, some of them are terrorists. Yes, some anti-national, and yes, some with criminal persuasion. But jot down the names… more 11, July, 19 0 804