Myth: Black Holes
Reality: Despite their incredibly misleading names, Black Holes aren’t actually ‘holes’. They’re actually massively dense objects with stupidly strong gravitational pulls. Still absolutely… more
Reality: Despite their incredibly misleading names, Black Holes aren’t actually ‘holes’. They’re actually massively dense objects with stupidly strong gravitational pulls. Still absolutely… more
Reality: Rousing a sleepwalker will cause nothing more than a little confusion if anything, not waking somebody that’s sleeping walking is… more
Reality: There are small anatomical differences between male and female brains. The hippocampus, involved in memory, is usually larger in… more
Reality: Headaches are thought to be caused by the tension and swelling of blood vessels of the brain. But there… more
Reality: In the movies, coma looks harmless. In real life, those emerging from coma often suffer disabilities and need rehabilitation.… more
Reality: The brain can repair or compensate for certain losses, and even generate new cells. Scientists believed that the brain… more
Reality: A study, led by researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, found that solving crossword puzzles… more
Reality: We kind of just wanted this myth to work because it’s so gross, but according to the busting team,… more
Reality: Totally destroying the super awesome myth that classic films and cartoons stuck in our minds, Adam and Jamie did a test… more