Myth: You should take antibiotics if you have a cold INSPIRATION & LEARNING, MYTH BUSTERS Cold, Health, Medicine Reality: when we get sick is to want medicine to feel better, so it’s natural to head to the doctor for… more 1, June, 19 0 946
Myth: You don’t need to take full course of antibiotics if you are feeling better. INSPIRATION & LEARNING, MYTH BUSTERS Health, Medicine Reality: It’s not always pleasant or convenient to take medicine, so once you start feeling better it’s tempting not to finish… more 1, June, 19 0 793
Myth: You should tilt your head back when you get a nosebleed INSPIRATION & LEARNING, MYTH BUSTERS Medical, Nosebleed Science Reality: It’s almost a reflex to tilt your head back or recline to prevent blood from pouring out when you get… more 1, June, 19 0 864
Myth: An Apple a day keeps doctor away INSPIRATION & LEARNING, MYTH BUSTERS Doctor, Fruits Myth, Myth Reality: Apples are packed with vitamin C and fiber, both of which are important to long-term health, but they aren’t all… more 1, June, 19 0 784
Myth: Water Conducts Electricity INSPIRATION & LEARNING, MYTH BUSTERS electricity, myth buster, water Reality: Pure water is actually an insulator, which means it doesn’t conduct electricity. The danger comes from the minerals and chemicals in it called… more 30, May, 19 0 981
Do fingernails and hair keep growing even after death? MYTH BUSTERS Once you die, everything in your body will start to decay, even your hair and fingernails. Although the origin of… more 27, June, 18 0 635
Is the Great Wall of China really visible from space? MYTH BUSTERS Let alone space, the Great Wall of China is not even visible from the International Space Station (ISS), which is… more 27, June, 18 0 579
Are honey and molasses actually better than sugar? MYTH BUSTERS While honey and molasses certainly are natural unrefined sweeteners, they still have a high glycemic index, just like white, refined… more 27, June, 18 0 580
Will venting your anger really help alleviate stress? MYTH BUSTERS Venting out feels good, no doubt, but does this really stave off aggression, or does it fan the flame? People… more 27, June, 18 0 690