SCARY #MOBOCRACY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Mobocracy Our mobocracy is getting scarier by the day. The driver of the train that rummaged through the unfortunate people squatting… more 4, July, 19 0 670
COME, LET’S CREATE A FAMILY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Family, NGO, Sprat Yes, it’s about creating a family! We have become so accustomed to ‘belonging’ to a family which we did not… more 4, July, 19 0 851
DIVERGENT REALITIES INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Quantum Physics The more I learn bits of quantum physics, the more I get mystified Uses of the wave-like behaviour of particles,… more 4, July, 19 0 662
SIMPLETONS TO CHARLATANS THE INVADERS OF TRUTH AND REASON INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Charlatans, Simpletons Why are the Gurus and the Babas steadily mushrooming in the last decade or so? Because of cheap religiosity, resulting… more 4, July, 19 0 607
THE #BABRI MASJID – FROM BITTERNESS TO BROTHERHOOD INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Barbi Masjid, Muslims AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this article in March 2003, largely deriving from the substantive argument I advanced in 1992, months… more 4, July, 19 0 648
RELIGIOUS AND SECTARIAN CONFLICT IN INDIA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK India, Religious, Sectarian Looking Beyond Dividing, Towards Uniting ————————- Why do we read of MUSLIMS destroying Hindu and Buddhist Temples far more than… more 4, July, 19 0 2648
FICTORY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Fictory This is my term for ‘chronicling’ the future History is a record of memories, a database of events that happened… more 4, July, 19 0 591
SHRINE BREAKING INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Babri Masjid, Ram Mandir, Shrine Breaking As elections approach so do the shrines! Shrine entry, shrine breaking, shrine building… Ah, Indian politics though art very religious!!… more 4, July, 19 0 586
WORKING CLASS DOCTORS! INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Babas, Doctors, Quacks Reminds me of Bare-feet Doctors. For a doctor-starved nation, it may be worth our while introducing a lower strata of… more 4, July, 19 0 543