DALIT EXAMPLE FOR MUSLIMS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Dalits, Muslims I am generally against Bandhs. I also didn’t find the recent SC observation against possible misuse of Dalit protection as… more 4, July, 19 0 700
UNSAFE FOR #WOMEN? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Unsafe, Women “India ranked the most unsafe nation for women” – “India had fared badly in an earlier iteration of this exercise… more 4, July, 19 0 837
#WOMEN’S SUFFERING – POLITICIZING OF #MUSLIM DILEMMA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Muslims, Triple Talaq http://velivada.com/2017/04/21/somebody-please-save-hindu-women/ Yes, Triple Talaq must go. Yes, practices like halala must go. But are you seriously concerned with Muslim women… more 4, July, 19 0 609
#COMMUNAL BRUTALITY INSIDE A POLICE STATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Brutality, Police Station Can there be no PIL against this barbarism, can the good Hindus of India not stand loud and clear against… more 4, July, 19 0 547
AN INQUIRY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Dalit Activist, Kancha Ilaiah The well known #Dalit Activist, #Kancha Ilaiah, has alleged on a national TV Channel tonight that the Dalits, Marathas, Jats,… more 4, July, 19 0 569
INSTANT NIGHT SHELTER FOR THE HOMELESS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Homeless, Labourers, NGO, Shelter, Sprat 1. Aren’t the mosquitos the most menacing problem of the monsoons for us and our little ones? During winter the… more 4, July, 19 0 799
A DAY FOR INTROSPECTION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Sorrow With deep sorrow, and profound apologies to Gurudev #Tagore: —————————- Where the mind is full of fear and the head… more 4, July, 19 0 566
ATAL FAISLA : INSANIYAT INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Humanity For me, one of Atal Bihari #Vajpayee’s greatest moments – and, indeed, in all of the Indian statesmanship – happened… more 4, July, 19 0 523
A GESTURE MUSLIMS MUST MAKE. AND NOW INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Muslims Please voluntarily reduce the decibel level of loudspeakers of Mosques for Azaan, and ban their use for Salaam [before Azaan],… more 4, July, 19 0 588