THE 2017, 5-STATE ELECTIONS: SOME JOTTINGS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Election, India FACTS Akhilesh and Congress alliance was a sensible idea. It was potentially powerful but did not work. Nothing suggests that… more 5, July, 19 0 751
BIGOTRY, INSENSITIVITY, RETROGRADATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK hindu, Prime Minister Look at the bizarre explanations the Hindutva apologists are dolling out to justify the completely unjustifiable: selection of Adityanath as… more 5, July, 19 0 718
THE DEAD, DUMB US! INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK India, Youth of India That the appointment of Adityanath Yogi as the Chief Minister of India’s largest state, did not evoke even a whimper… more 5, July, 19 0 593
MUSLIMS AND HINDUS EQUALLY BAD INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK hindu, Muslims I have often felt – and sometimes written – that Hindus and Muslims are essentially the same people, in that… more 5, July, 19 0 708
Miscellanea [01 Jan. 2017 – 31 Mar. 2017] 9 January 2017 INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Miscellaneous, RAPE, Uttar Pradesh TIPS FOR THE YOUNG HERE ARE SOME GUIDE-POSTS – In the long run life is generally fair to those that… more 5, July, 19 0 967
WHY? INDEED, WHY? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Thoughtfull 1 – Do we ignore the plenty of joys available readily: flowing water, blowing wind, soaring birds, swimming clouds, smiling… more 5, July, 19 0 611
A MULTIPURPOSE EMPOWERMENT CENTRE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Caravan Academy, Sprat SPRAT’s CARAVAN ACADEMY Learning from SPRAT’s non-residential Caravan Multipurpose Empowerment Centres across six cities of Gujarat that provided remedial education… more 5, July, 19 0 811
FOR MY MUSLIM BRETHREN INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Muslims, Terrorism It’s a dangerous argument to say that since only 1% or fewer #Muslims are #terrorists the entire community should not be blamed. Consider these:… more 5, July, 19 0 754
#RAPE, MURDER MOST FOUL INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Crime, Murder?, RAPE Rape is sex with an unwilling person, using force. Murder is taking someone’s life. Killing with sex is both: Rape… more 5, July, 19 0 914