LEGACY OF #POLARIZATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Polarization I have never doubted that the saffron party was at least as much seeped into corruption as the parties it… more 8, July, 19 0 502
APOLITICAL #POLITICS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Political NO, I am not in active politics. But yes, I am a keen political science student and an alert citizen.… more 8, July, 19 0 637
THE BLOATED #TRAIN INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Bloated Train, Mumbai In Mumbai people thousands of Indians dangerously hang off the doors of local trains. We badly need plenty of more… more 8, July, 19 0 864
MISSING TRAIT IN #LEADERS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK NGO Leaders #Integrity is more important than most other traits – surely in a leader at least. And this is the most… more 8, July, 19 0 625
HATEFUL HATE! INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Jihadists, KILLING While I felt shocked at the barbarity of a section of people of Myanmar against Rohingya Muslims, what benumbs me… more 8, July, 19 0 844
THE COW DILEMMA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK cow There has never been a doubt in my mind that the public cow slaughter and open beef eating always needed… more 8, July, 19 0 809
SORROW IS ESSENTIAL TO NATURE JOY IS A SLOW BY-PRODUCT INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Sorrow Life’ uncertainties are quite like weather’s vagaries: they come at THEIR will, scarcely bothered about their impact on our lives.… more 8, July, 19 0 565
Miscellanea [01 Jul. 2017 – 30 Sep. 2017] INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Miscellaneous 2 July 17 Be #happy your way, with your means. It’s foolish to be unhappy trying to be happy in… more 8, July, 19 0 744
SAUDI DICTAT AND QATAR’S ISOLATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Qatar, Saudi Muslims live in a feudal society, and Saudi imperialism epitomizes this mind-set. Led by Saudi Arabia, a few countries –… more 8, July, 19 0 627