THE ANNA HAZARE LED ANTI-CORRUPTION CAMPAIGN INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Anna Hazare, Anti-Corruption My Jottings on the Second Fast at Ramlila Maidan 16TH AUGUST The Government handling of the Anna campaign – specially of… more 8, July, 19 0 626
Why Vastanvi is Wrong? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Gujarat, Vastanvi The newly elected Rector of Darul Uloom, Deoband, Ghulam Muhammad Vastanvi, has offered to quit. His observations that created a… more 8, July, 19 0 547
The Logic of Giving INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Giving, Sprat Giving implies losing, foregoing in simple logic. Why Give, then? And how does losing bring “joy”? Let’s, rephrase this as… more 8, July, 19 0 808
Moderate Muslims – WE THE PEOPLE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Moderate Muslims I watched with deep interest “We The People” last week in which you told that several Muslim terrorists do it… more 8, July, 19 0 530
Nai Subh – Pledge By Indian Muslims INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Indian Muslims The last of the Nai Subh Series published in Milli Gazette With this issue we conclude this 10-month long introspective… more 8, July, 19 0 508
PERPLEXING INDIA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Perplexing India My India is a paradox. It is mysterious, perplexing, confusing, and mesmerizing all at once. Indian men practice some of… more 8, July, 19 0 585
CHALLENGING #ARNAB GOSWAMY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Arnab Goswamy Dear Aranab, Undoubtedly you are a remarkable man. You speak impeccable English, with gusto and energy. You dress immaculately and… more 8, July, 19 0 597
THE KILLING OF GUILTY/INNOCENT FARKHANDA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Farkhanda, KILLING Any penance will, of course, not bring Farkhanda back, but may, perhaps may, preempt another Farkhanda falling to the stones… more 8, July, 19 0 759
WE LOVE ISLAMIC STATE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Islamic State Yes, the following features of Islamic state endear it amongst not just its citizens but throughout the world, despite a… more 8, July, 19 0 702