DRAIN FOR EVER? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Indian President 30 Apr 2012 I am aghast that Indian Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Prime Ministers are officially entitled to rent-free accommodation,… more 8, July, 19 0 626
EXTRA-TERRITORIAL LOYALTIES OF MUSLIMS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Muslims 6 May 2012 This is another of the many misconceptions Indian Hindus are sold. They are told Muslims of India… more 8, July, 19 0 679
FAITH VS REASON INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Faith, Reason, Science 6 May 2012 [A Rejoinder to a Facebook Comment] Rafia Jawwad your writings symbolize complete ignorance of natural sciences, and… more 8, July, 19 0 836
PILGRIMAGE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Pilgrimage 7 May 2012 [In reply to a Facebook Post] Umesh Shukla, I am afraid, they do. Only they are not… more 8, July, 19 0 703
SATYA MEVA JAYATE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Satya Meva Jayate 8 May 2012 Just watched a recording of the first episode of this Kiran Rao-Aamir Khan presentation. I avoid sharing… more 8, July, 19 0 719
SMJ CRITIQUE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Aamir, Satya Meva Jayate, SMJ 8 May 2012 In a nutshell, those that criticized Aamir for his Satya Meva Jayate episode highlighting the sordid issue… more 8, July, 19 0 576
THE BURDEN OF MODI INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK PM Modi 9 May 2012 SIT exonerates Modi. Amicus Curiae Raju Ramachandran finds him guilty. And the Trial Court has now to… more 8, July, 19 0 509
NO, NO HINDUS NEAR ME! INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK hindu, Muslims 9 May 2012 I am a Muslim. I do not recognize Hindus as a part of my country. I do… more 8, July, 19 0 712
PAKISTAN MINORITIES INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Minorities, Pakistan 9 May 2012 “Rinkle Kumari of Pakistan marries a Muslim. Earlier she claimed she was abducted and forcibly converted to… more 8, July, 19 0 699