FEMINISTS’ COMPLAINTS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Feminists Some feminists maintain that it is entirely their prerogative to dress the way they want, anywhere and all the time,… more 9, July, 19 0 560
MAJOR CATASTROPHE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Catastrophe Clearly a major catastrophe has struck India last week. And one person that could have resolved all our problems is… more 9, July, 19 0 478
IS UNSELFISH INTELLIGENT? INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Unselfish There are times When I ask myself If unselfishness is akin To foolishness For, most smart men For long periods… more 9, July, 19 0 482
THE MAN WHO FORETOLD TOMORROW INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Abdul Kalam Azad Abul Kalam Azad’s interview by Shorish Kashmiri, Matbooat Chattan, Lahore ———— I do not remember which friend sent this URL to… more 9, July, 19 0 481
MODI – IN SELF SERVICE OR IN SERVICE OF INDIA INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK PM Modi, Service So, NARENDRA MODI wants to “serve India”, having “served Gujarat”. SERVING INDIA? You mean like Gandhi did? May be, or… more 9, July, 19 0 550
WHY I DISLIKE NARENDRA MODI INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK PM Modi I have often thought of this. Is it solely due to 2002? My honest answer is NO. I dislike him… more 9, July, 19 0 561
MODI AND HINDUISM INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Humanism, Modi As a child, I grew up with lovely Hindu ‘uncles’ and ‘aunts’ who taught me the finest aspects of Hinduism.… more 9, July, 19 0 674
SCIENCE BAITERS – CONSPIRACY THEORISTS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Science, Theorists These science b/haters can go to any extent in trying to demolish science and claims of scientists. They have unabashedly… more 9, July, 19 0 868
Nth RAPE IN DELHI – RIGHT ANGER AT WRONG DOOR INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Delhi, RAPE The Delhiites are understandably outraged at these unceasing incidents of rape. But I gravely doubt if they are directing their… more 9, July, 19 0 708