SAFAR YA MANZIL INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Poverty, Safar [Journey or Goal] Non-Economists’ Notes on On-going Debate on Poverty Reduction This significant debate has been reduced to petty politicking… more 9, July, 19 0 656
MODI AND MUSLIMS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Modi, Muslims Nothing convinces me of the impotence of Indian Muslims [which includes everything from their lack of pride, will power, commitment,… more 9, July, 19 0 708
AN ARTICLE INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK cow, hindu, India IF YOU ARE A HINDU, I AM A MUSLIM And If You Are An Indian, I Am A Proud Indian… more 9, July, 19 0 828
MODI VS. HINDUS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK hindu, PM Modi Do I dislike Modi because he is a Hindu? What a stupid question! But that is what some people have… more 9, July, 19 0 604
VAJPAYEE THROUGH ADVANI TO MODI INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Advani, PM Modi, Vajpayee Time was when to a lot of Leftists, and the Minorities, Vajpayee appeared communal, fascist and apparently unacceptable. He came,… more 9, July, 19 0 529
A LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA ON I.B. OFFICER RAJENDRA KUMAR’S REPORTED MISDEEDS IN GUJARAT AFFAIRS INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK India, letter, Prime Minister [U/C to HM and Ms. Sonia Gandhi] Respected Prime Minister The Press reports suggest that the IB is resisting CBI… more 9, July, 19 0 604
FIGHT MODI TO SAVE THE NATION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Nation, PM Modi Come, Join Me! Time was when Gandhi gave a clarion call to fight the British and many a dedicated man… more 9, July, 19 0 525
HIMALAYAN TSUNAMI INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Himalayan, Tsunami PINNING THE BLAME or MOBILIZING RELIEF? A Short Article The nation is waiting with bated breath for the full scale… more 9, July, 19 0 575
Origin of the Word Algebra INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Algebra, Origin For the one who is in the habit of eliciting rationality: I found this instructive” Origin of the Word Algebra… more 9, July, 19 0 681