SHORT RESPONSES INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Chikungunya, Gujarat, Muslims, Sprat [Thanks to severe chikungunya I skipped SPRAT today and have therefore the liberty of breaking convention. Otherwise I normally connect… more 10, July, 19 0 853
THE BABRI MASJID – BITTERNESS TO BROTHERHOOD INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Babri Masjid THIS DAY IN 1992 This day 21 years ago uncontrollably tears started rolling off a dignified, 39-year old man’s cheeks,… more 10, July, 19 0 635
CACOPHONY POST ELECTION INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Election We are quick to doing what we do best: kick the dead lion and sing to the rising stars. No… more 10, July, 19 0 901
MUZAFFARNAGAR MAYHEM INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Mayhem, Muzaffarnagar Various TV Channels including NDTV and CNN-IBN have covered the disturbing situation of the 12000+ riot victims of UP living… more 10, July, 19 0 547
OF KIDS ROBBED, BRUTALIZED, TURNED AWAY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Brutalized, Children, hindu, Muslims, Robbed As I key this in, NDTV is asking the Hindu children of the schools Muslims fled in UP about their… more 10, July, 19 0 800
TEAM ARVIND KEJRIWAL INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Arvind Kejriwal Welcome TEAM Arvind Kejriwal. They took the oath of office today. To be fair, Arvind delivered a stirring speech consistent… more 10, July, 19 0 623
LAWYER OR ACCUSED INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Criminal, Lawyer The Lawyer “My Lord this man is charged with blowing up a bridge and must be punished severely for causing… more 10, July, 19 0 537
THE REAL GUJARAT MODEL OF NARENDRA MODI INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Gujarat, PM Modi 1. For years create a monster out of the 10% minority and scare the majority to death. Keep creating occasional… more 10, July, 19 0 636
FACEBOOK AS A SKY INSPIRATION & LEARNING, JO SPEAK Facebook Well, in a way. When you look at the sky overhead you look at stars, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies etc… more 10, July, 19 0 547