MADAN SINGH, DELHI GOOD SAMARITANS, INSPIRATION & LEARNING Delhi, Good Deeds, Madan Singh, Wallet Returned A businessman Jagpreet Singh accidentally dropped his wallet while pushing his broken down car. Madan Singh was the traffic cop… more 27, April, 17 0 816
DEEPIKA BHARGAVA, PUNE GOOD SAMARITANS, INSPIRATION & LEARNING Good Samaritan, Helped Injured Girl, Pune On September 21, while returning from lunch, she saw a crowd of around 50 people gathered on the road. She… more 27, April, 17 0 999
NAVEEN MITTAL, DELHI GOOD SAMARITANS, INSPIRATION & LEARNING Delhi, Good Samaritan, Helped Injured Girl In July 2015, he was going to a wedding reception when he saw a huge crowd gathered on the road.… more 27, April, 17 0 1053